Getting Ready

Randy and our neighbor, Michael, installing the new wind turbine. Fortunately, Michael was there to help us manhandle the turbine into place. It is very heavy. He also helped us by drilling larger holes and donating 4 sturdy bolts.

6 Weeks to go and we’re madly trying to get the boat ready. Yesterday, we installed a new refrigeration unit. So far it’s working great! We need to install the other refrigeration unit (we’re waiting for a new/smaller evaporator to be delivered.) Then we’ll have a freezer.

5 weeks to go and we are no where near ready. The fridge is still working great! In fact, it works so well that we were able to store ice cream in the freezer part of the fridge! We received the smaller evaporator which we installed. Unfortunately, it isn’t working. So we continued working on another outstanding project – connecting the wind turbine to the battery bank. It took us three tries, but we finally got the wiring from the outside of the boat to inside properly.

On Sunday, Randy went to Compass Rose and pulled the wire to the engine room (through the stateroom (nautical for bedroom), into the head (nautical for bathroom – yes we have a bath tub!) and finally into the engine room. Joanne stopped by too and we were able to clean up the stateroom and put the bed back together.

On Monday, Randy went back to Compass Rose and wired in six of our small batteries and did some clean up.